On May 7, 2013, at 5:32 PM, Anders Dalvander
On 2013-05-06 05:29, Howard Hinnant wrote:
Btw, I'm getting better at this (speaking of manual dexterity more than coding):
day_point d = year(2013) / may / day(5); auto t = hours(22) + minutes(55) + seconds(55); auto dt = d + t; auto EDT = -hours(4); dt -= EDT; auto dt_now = system_clock::now(); auto diff = dt_now - dt; std::cout << duration_cast<milliseconds>(diff).count() << " ms\n";
318 ms
My point in this post is that we have an existing std::chrono date_time facility and it would be good to interoperate with it. Dissecting this code line by line:
day_point d = year(2013) / may / day(5);
d is a std::chrono::time_point with the same epoch as std::chrono::system_clock::time_point, but has a much coarser resolution (technically day_point::period): std::ratio<86400>.
Because d has the same epoch as system_clock::time_point, the two types can, by C++11 rules, have arithmetic together. You can subtract one from the other and it just works. The result is a std::chrono::duration with the precision of the common_type of the two precisions (typically the finer).
So, the above code is proposed. But much of the following code is simply existing C++11, showing interoperability with the proposed code with C++11.
auto t = hours(22) + minutes(55) + seconds(55);
Nothing new about the above code. This is just a std::chrono::duration with a resolution of seconds. It exists today.
auto dt = d + t;
Technically this time_point is in UTC, and means 22::55::55 after midnight. However that obviously was not the intent of the code. However I could have written: auto dt = d + (t - EDT); And then the time_point would have no point in which it doesn't point to the desired time.
The proposal is that d has type time_point
>>. If that is so, then it is, by C++11 rules, already legal to add such a time_point to a duration of seconds. The result is a time_point
>> I.e. the result is a time_point with the same epoch as system_clock. A rep capable of holding the union of values from both d and t, and a precision capable of holding both all values from d and all values from t. In English: dt is a count of seconds from the system_clock epoch ... all by C++11 specification. Nothing invented here except day_point in the first line.
auto EDT = -hours(4);
This is just C++11. A duration type. It could have any units: hours, minutes, seconds, whatever.
dt -= EDT;
The above statement is the one which troubles me. Before executing the statement `dt` is supposedly in EDT, and after the statement has executed `dt` is in UTC (or is it the other way around). Anyway `dt` is of type `time_point
>>` as you wrote, but that type has a defined meaning. Each `time_point` is a single point in time, an instant. If we start to make exceptions to this rule, then we're back with the problems of `boost::date_time::ptime`. And what about the `system_clock::to_time_t` and `time_point::time_since_epoch` functions? Shouldn't it be possible to call them at any given time and not worry if someone has adjusted the time_point to be in the "correct" timezone?
This is one of the things that I hoped the chrono library would solve by requiring the user to explicit.
The C-library is this explicit, why shouldn't the chrono library be able to be explicit as well?
Perhaps it can be. The intent of the above snippet is to show that: 1. chrono::time_point has a critical role here. It is a serial type. When it has precision finer than a day, it is a serial date_time type. When it has precision of a day, it is a serial date_days type. And if time_points of different precision share a clock, you can do time_point arithmetic with them, even though they have different precisions. The result will be a time_point (or duration) with a precision that can represent the result with no loss of precision. 2. 1. is useful! We can use 1 to effortlessly handle timezone differences, even ridiculous timezone offsets in minutes or seconds. 3. There is a direct correspondence with std::system_clock. The above doesn't have to be the final or everyday syntax that the client uses. But (imho) it demonstrates a solid foundation which we should build upon. Howard