AMDG On 07/06/2013 05:04 PM, Steve M. Robbins wrote:
I'm digging into a build problem and noticed that even though I specify "./bjam --without-context", Boost.Context is still built! The bjam configuration output states that Context is not to be built:
The reason it's being built is because Boost.Coroutine depends on Boost.Context.
Component configuration:
- atomic : building - chrono : building - context : not building - coroutine : building - date_time : building - exception : building
But it is built nonetheless. This causes a build failure for architectures which are not supported; see build log [1]. Compare that to the build for 1.53 [2] which works fine.
I've diffed the libs/context directory between 1.53 and 1.54 and nothing jumps out at me as the cause. Has anyone noticed and fixed this already?
In Christ, Steven Watanabe