2015-03-05 12:04 GMT-03:00, Robert Ramey
But the implementation could take advantage of modern C++ and wouldn't be required to be compatible with any compiler which doesn't support C++11+. So presumable this would be much easier than the current MPL
I do understand dropping support to ancient defective compilers, but why should it also deny support to older language standards on compilers that do comply with them? No doubt it should benefit from post C++11 features, notably variadic templates, but I don't see why it shouldn't emulate variadics on C++98/03 setups, just like it already does today. Please note the difference between old deffective implementations from valid implementations of older standards. I share the point of view of some others here who advocate that, were MPL to be written today, would it probably be designed in an entirely new way, possibly similarly to the way Hana and Meta were designed. This way, IMO there seems to be little sense in rewriting MPL exclusively for compilers that support C++11. -- *Bruno C. O. Dutra*