On 6/8/2021 3:33 AM, Raffi Enficiaud via Boost wrote:
On 08.06.21 01:58, Peter Dimov via Boost wrote:
Raffi Enficiaud wrote:
I have not looked at the recent developments for CMake in Boost. If the CMakeLists.txt I developed (under build/) is still there, it contained 2 targets: one for static and one for shared. Those were having different and explicit names.
I decided to not do this and instead use the "normal" CMake way of relying on BUILD_SHARED_LIBS.
It causes problems in the more complicated cases where a compiled Boost::X links to header-only Boost::Y which links to a compiled Boost::Z. Client code can choose to link explicitly to Boost::static_X, and if X used Z directly, it could link to Boost::static_Z, but it doesn't. And requiring all header-only libraries to also provide triplicate targets so that static/shared-ness can be propagated correctly is (I think) infeasible. So X links to Boost::Y, and Y has to choose whether to link to the static or shared Z, but it doesn't know how.
(b2 does this "right" by having static/shared as a build feature, and propagating it automatically. No need to split your targets by hand.)
Swimming upstream is sometimes justified when it results in something objectively better than the accepted CMake way, but I don't believe that's the case here, so BUILD_SHARED_LIBS will have to do. (Similarly, I tried to do something b2-like with the tests, but at the end reverting to the way CMake wants to do things proved better.)
Getting back to Boost.Test, I've duplicated the targets with an included_ prefix:
Thanks, it looks good to me and if it works for Edward, then all good :)
Again I do not know CMake, and I am totally appreciative of the work Peter has done to bring CMake to Boost, but I was simply arguing that if Boost's implementation of CMake can not deal with the header-only variation of Boost.Test then conceptually this appears to be a failure. However if whatever Peter has done allows other code using CMake to treat Boost.Test as header-only, as well as compiled as either a static or shared library when chosen, I think that is optimal. I know that in a project on which I am working I use Boost.Test in header-only mode and it works fine when using b2 to run tests for the project. I would like to think that if I try to use CMake to run tests for the project using the header-only variant of Boost.Test it will continue to work fine. That's all really.