On 22 July 2013 00:28, Evgeny Panasyuk
21.07.2013 16:29, Jeremy Murphy:
Out of curiosity, I decided to tackle the problem and wrote an
implementation of counting sort, which as you may know, is one way of implementing radix sort. The code is not ready for a formal review but I would really appreciate feedback on it, as it is written with a view to inclusion in Boost. https://github.com/jeremy-**murphy/integer-sorthttps://github.com/jeremy-murphy/integer-sort
Some thoughts after very quick look:
1. raising 2 to unsigned power via std::pow. just use (1 << i)
2. include directives of <cstring> and <climits> within namespace boost
3. There is "#ifdef __GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__" - one case uses lambda, second uses local class as functor. First of all - there is no need to do both versions - just make one which is gcd of all target compilers. Second, afaik - C++03 does not allow to use local classes as template arguments.
4. Code in main.cpp looks messier, try to partition it into logical blocks.
5. There is "assert(__first != __last);" at begin of algorithm - while common approach (for instance at STL) is to allow empty ranges. You may just do something like "if(__first == __last) return;"
I'm particularly still uncertain about the interface (asking for forward
AND reverse iterators seems annoying, however legitimate). Thanks, cheers.
I think it is better just to take BidirectionalIterator - you always can use std::reverse_iterator in order to reverse it (however, while it simplifies code, it may incur additional overhead at dereferencing, so for widely used algorithm it is better to avoid it).
-- Evgeny Panasyuk
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Thanks for catching my stupid mistakes! I've made all the changes you recommended except that I'm still hedging my bets on C++11. I guess I'll ask Marshall Clow if there is a policy for inclusion into the Algorithm library. Cheers. Jeremy