czw., 9 lis 2023 o 17:32 Klemens Morgenstern < klemensdavidmorgenstern@gmail.com> napisaĆ(a):
Actually, your explanation convinces me even stronger that this should be a different function with a different name. It is a different use case, it has a different signature, a different return type.
How is the use case different? I got multiple awaitable and I want to wait for one to finish. The decision of how many is either a runtime or a compile time decision and we're discussing how to handle the runtime error. Sounds like the same thing to me.
They have different preconditions: one requires a non-epty variadic pack. One allows promises with different result types, the other doesn't. They differ in return types: one returns a variant, the other returns a pair. So, the following code will look different in either case. Sure they share some similarities. Much like `race` and `left_race` do. But they have two different names. Regards, &rzej;