Daniel Frey
Your example suggests you tested with std::string, which works for me with GCC. But I guess you are suggesting that with an operator+ returning an rvalue reference, it would fail. And indeed this is the first example which makes sense to me. It has all the properties I was looking for:
- It's common - The binding of the result is implicit - The code doesn't have a bad code-smell, it looks reasonable
Mist. (That's the German "Mist", not the English one ;)
Let me think about it for a while…
Best regards, Daniel
Yes, I'm not using std::string but a custom string implementation. p.s. I asked a question on the msdn forums to understand why their implementation properly (or improperly, depending on your point of view) extends the lifetimes of the temporaries. link: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/vcgeneral/thread/3c754c4e-5471... 4095-afae-795c1f411612