On 11/6/23 02:55, Peter Dimov via Boost wrote:
Andrey Semashev wrote:
On 11/6/23 02:02, Peter Dimov via Boost wrote:
Andrey Semashev wrote:
(This workflow actually makes develop meaningless because your CI over the feature branch already tests your changes against develop of the rest of Boost. Which means after merging to develop you're running the same CI again, and might as well just merge to master straight away.)
You are, but others aren't. They aren't testing your feature branch, but they are testing your develop branch each time they merge to develop.
Sure, but again, does that integration testing actually work?
It does, at least some of the time.
For how long do you hold the changes in develop before merging to master?
A week or two, usually.
The more you linger, the more likely you'll forget to merge.
I don't forget to merge because I have mergecheck.bat which does
@for %%i in (libs/accumulators libs/array libs/assert libs/bimap libs/bind libs/chrono libs/compat libs/container_hash libs/core libs/crc libs/describe libs/endian libs/function libs/headers libs/iostreams libs/lambda libs/lambda2 libs/mp11 libs/msm libs/numeric/conversion libs/ptr_container libs/ratio libs/smart_ptr libs/system libs/thread libs/throw_exception libs/timer libs/tuple libs/type_erasure libs/typeof libs/uuid libs/variant2 tools/boostdep tools/boost_install tools/check_build tools/cmake tools/quickbook) do @echo --- %%i --- & git -C %%i diff --name-status origin/master..origin/develop
I used to have the equivalent on Travis, scheduled weekly:
but Travis unfortunately died, so now I run the script manually. :-)
FWIW, there seems to be a way to trigger GHA workflows on schedule: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/events-that-trigger-workf... Anyway, I don't have such a script, and I suspect I'm not alone. I know I would just as easily forget to run it in a week or two as I would forget to merge, so it wouldn't really help me much. Which is why I typically merge to master as soon as the CI on develop passes (i.e. when I receive an email notification). It just keeps my mental backlog shorter.