On 28/03/2024 21:42, Vinnie Falco via Boost wrote:
Not to worry. Technicians at The C++ Alliance are working on a mostly portable solution which uses the compiler's pragma message facility to embed a small piece of HTML containing a tracking cookie:
#pramga message( "<html><script>gtag('config', 'GA_TRACKING_ID', { 'anonymize_ip': true });</script><body></body></html>" )
Every time your library is compiled, the C++ Alliance cloud services will be contacted to collect non personally-identifiable information about what is being compiled, the versions of Boost C++ being used, and the quality of your implementation. Currently this capability only works when the program in question is built using an IDE such as Visual Studio or XCode but we are investigating patches to bjam to enable Internet communication during compilation.
I'll build without internet connection in this case. Daniele Lupo