30 Jan
30 Jan
12:04 p.m.
Hi, my name is Amit Singh student of CSE in 2nd year and i would like to contribute to boost.ublas. 1. Extending https://github.com/BoostGSoC18/ublas-stats <https://github.com/BoostGSoC18/ublas-stats > with regression model and statistic tools 2.Expression solver for example => "AX+B^2" which gives solution of expression 3.Some features of functional programming similar to transform in c++ which could help programmer to apply functions to whole matrix or vector or transform the data. for example apply(M,[](float &val){ val = sin(val); }); -- Sent from: http://boost.2283326.n4.nabble.com/Boost-Dev-f2600599.html