On Wed, Aug 9, 2017 at 7:26 PM, Marshall Clow via Boost
RC1 came out on Monday, and it had some problems.
Specifically: * Some libraries didn't build with ToT clang/libc++ (Locale, Wave and Test) This is because in C++17, some deprecated library features have been removed. [bind1st, mem_fun, auto_ptr, random_shuffle, etc ]
Boost.Config has support for these removals, but this was ... incomplete. [ This is on me; I did the partial job of adding these to Config's libc++ support a while back ]
Normally, I would be tempted to say "Well, clang 5 is not shipping yet, and so we can put this off until 1.66.0". But both clang 5 and C++17 are imminent (they will both happen well before the 1.66 release, and so I think we should fix this now. Also, a future version of MSVC will have the same library issues.
Having C++17-capable clang and MSVC around the corner doesn't necessarily mean that people will go right ahead and use it. There'll be a transition period, which will surely exceed Boost release period. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm all for fixing as many bugs as possible before the release. But at least Boost.ScopeExit from the list you presented doesn't have an active maintainer. Unless someone with push permissions handles the fix, we don't have a certain date of it being fixed. In this condition I'd rather have 1.65 released with the bug now (with a note in the release notes) instead of waiting for unknown period of time. In other words, I think we can postpone the release but only if we have a plan on what, how and when we want to fix, with a new realistic deadline. If we don't then just release what we have now and postpone the rest for 1.66. Is there an updated release schedule?