On 4/23/19 2:28 PM, Mike via Boost wrote:
I for one very much hope that boost (at least the libraries that are actively maintained) will become less coupled in the future, such that when I just want to use library X, the rest of boost doesn't come as a dependency with it.
Hmmm - so no boost library should include any other boost library? Does that seem a good idea? It's always been good practice to not repeat/copy functionality in one library into another. I've said it many times before so I won't make a big deal about it here. But what is really needed - and it may already exist in BCP but hasn't been promoted is a simple tool: a) start with one's application b) run the app through a tool which recurrsively reads headers c) and creates a list of all headers needed d) extract library names from that list e) add the git repo of those libraries to my apps project. I don't seen any way to get around this. And util we can easily do this - boost will not be modular. Robert Ramey