On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 12:36 AM, Ben Pope
On 28/03/13 12:03, Steven Watanabe wrote:
The list of required toolsets in explicit-failures-markup.xml is out-dated. Therefore, if no one objects, I propose setting it to the following:
msvc-10.0, msvc-11.0, gcc-4.6, gcc-4.7, clang-darwin-11, clang-darwin-4.2.1, clang-linux-3.1, clang-linux-3.2, gcc-mingw-4.7, gcc-mingw-4.6
I'm guessing that would look like:
Linux: gcc-4.6, gcc-4.7, clang-linux-3.1, clang-linux-3.2, OSX: clang-darwin-11, clang-darwin-4.2.1 Windows: msvc-10.0, msvc-11.0, gcc-4.6, gcc-4.7 cc-mingw-4.7, gcc-mingw-4.6
Some supported toolset rules that have been mostly implicit in the past: a) the toolset must appear in the release test results and trunk only toolset can't be included, b) they must have demonstrated reliable and consistent testing cycles, and c) only release version of toolsets qualify. Usually if they violate (b) they tend to get removed from release testing (i.e. someone asks them to stop testing them or test more frequently). So I would modify the list as: Linux: gcc-4.6, gcc-4.7, clang-linux-3.1 OSX: clang-darwin-11, clang-darwin-4.2.1, darwin-4.2.1 Windows: gcc-mingw-4.7, gcc-mingw-4.6 msvc-8.0 Yes, msvc-8.0 is currently the *only* msvc compiler consistently tested on the release branch! So if we want the modern version of msvc compilers someone needs to step up and volunteer to support *release* testing on the msvc modern compilers!!! -- -- -- Grafik - Don't Assume Anything -- Redshift Software, Inc. - http://redshift-software.com -- rrivera/acm.org - grafik/redshift-software.com -- 102708583/icq - grafikrobot/aim - grafikrobot/yahoo