* "git clone --recursive http://github.com/boostorg/boost modular-boost" is mostly working fine here (on Win7) but is producing one set of error messages: Cloning into 'libs/assign'... fatal: reference is not a tree: 57ec5d1534810090649b18c88e66a46f48cdcf1c ... Unable to checkout '57ec5d1534810090649b18c88e66a46f48cdcf1c' in submodule path 'libs/assign' The remaining hiccups are in the root directory, comparing trunk to master: * boost.css is missing content from revisions 36243 and 53553. * boost-build.jam has different comments and history. Something is totally whacky. * boostcpp.py contents are the same, but the trunk file has Unix line endings, the master file has Windows line endings. * Same problem with bootstrap.sh. IIRC, it is important that the .sh files have the Unix line endings. * c++boost.gif not present in trunk, present in master. * index.html missing in master. * Jamfile.v2 and Jamroot.jam not present in trunk, present in master. * INSTALL missing in master. * LICENSE_1_0.txt has Unix line endings in trunk, Windows line endings in master. * project-config.jam missing in master. * rst.cc missing in master. * README.txt not present in trunk, present in master. HTH, --Beman