charleyb123 wrote:
My intended comment was to suggest that the library's potential popularity caused, "the bar to be raised" regarding the need for critical API and design scrutiny, and the need for consensus (whereas a more niche library would have fewer implied consequences for failing to identify missed-opportunities).
Yes, it is sometimes ironic how the potential for greatness leads people to expect and demand greatness, rather than merely adequacy.
Thank you (Peter) for your heroic efforts, analysis, and comments in this review period (they were formative and fundamental to the discussion).
Thank you for having the presence of mind to read the volumes of discussion the review generated, and thanks to Niall for being such a good sport. Having one's library criticized in the merciless manner characteristic of Boost's reviews can be quite taxing on one's nerves and he took it in stride. I'll await the next submission of this, on balance, excellent library, and hope that it will stay true to the spirit of its original design.