Hi, in 2013 I posted a proposal for an "open multi-methods" library, see here: https://lists.boost.org/Archives/boost/2013/07/205383.php Due to insufficient interest, I did not go forward with a formal submission, and I published my work on github, under the name yomm11. I have now completely rewritten the library. The new version - yomm2 - is available here: https://github.com/jll63/yomm2 This iteration is much better because it does not require any modifications to classes involved in method dispatch, yet the speed of a method call with one virtual argument is within 15% of the equivalent virtual function call. Over the years I realized that the value of such a library resides more in the 'open' than in the 'multi' aspect. Open methods are virtual functions that live outside classes, like free functions. They solve several problems, notably the Expression Problem (http://wiki.c2.com/?ExpressionProblem) and Cross-Cutting Concerns (http://wiki.c2.com/?CrossCuttingConcern). They provide an elegant replacement for the Visitor pattern. yomm2 also implement multiple dispatch, which can come (occasionally) handy. Well I am just touching base to see if things have evolved and if there might now be an interest in seeing this in Boost. Jean-Louis Leroy