12 Jan
12 Jan
5:11 p.m.
2014/1/13 Hui Li
On Jan 12, 2014, at 9:27 AM, TONGARI J
wrote: On Jan 12, 2014, at 4:54 AM, John Maddock
Note that boost::has_call is *not* part of official Boost, it's still my personal work, so feel free to do whatever you want.
Right, but what's the status on becoming official? Is it still being reviewed?
No. I just advertised this to the community and tried to gather interest sometime ago, but didn't go for further review process. is there a plan to make it official at some point?
Well, doc/test are there, but no certain plan yet, I haven't got the time to try out modular Boost myself. So, please go ahead, it'd be great if you could bring this into Boost eventually.