On Sat, Jan 13, 2018 at 8:05 PM, Christopher Kohlhoff via Boost
The error_code class itself deliberately does *not* imbue zero values with the meaning 'success' and non-zero values with the meaning 'failure'. An error_code simply represents an integer and a category, where the category identifies the source of a particular integer value. The specification of the error_code class carefully avoids making any judgement as to whether a particular value represents success or failure. The construct:
if (ec) ...
does not, in and of itself, mean 'if an error ...'. Instead, operator bool is specified to behave as the ints do, and the above construct should simply be read as 'if non-zero ...'.
That might have been the original design intention, but that ship sailed a long time ago. It is well established that users are habituated to think of the bool conversion as meaning success or failure.
When defining your own API you are free to define your own notion of success or failure. One way would be to define your own error_condition for this (an intended use case for error_condition), but you may also use some other mechanism entirely (indicate failure via exception, return value, etc.). You might like to consider this approach for your own API that wraps NT kernel calls.
Nobody wants to write
if(ec == my_condition::success)
When then can instead write
if(! ec)
Even in your own code you write `if(! ec)`:
Whether it was intended or not, established practice is to treat the bool
conversion of error_code as false==success and true==failure.
I have long felt that the documentation for