On 2016-06-01 07:58, Emil Dotchevski wrote:
On Tue, May 31, 2016 at 2:48 PM, Rob Stewart
wrote: The upside is not writing some calls one way and others the other way on the same object, and having to remember which is which.
So, don't use the dot syntax. :)
Indeed. If fact, with "your" approach we can't "use the dot syntax"... And that's the "problem". :-) It's not a criticism. It's merely a fair observation. I myself 've come to C++ with a considerable C experience and I do not "cringe" seeing "your" free-function-based API. Others might object stronger as we are entering the "style area" where people fight tooth and nail over nothing. :-) Even I must say that from the "purist" point of view forcing free-function API kinda violates the very basic OO paradigm -- the association between data and behavior. From practical point of view it's "meh, big deal". Please do not get me wrong. I am not criticizing your approach. In fact, to me it feels surprisingly potent just using the tools we've had "forever". I feel that it is unlikely to "fly" with "general programming population". :-)