I forget to cross-post. Adding c++std-parallel Le 14/10/15 07:56, Vicente J. Botet Escriba a écrit :
Le 13/10/15 04:02, Vicente J. Botet Escriba a écrit :
Le 12/10/15 14:52, Hartmut Kaiser a écrit :
Sorry for cross-posting.
Our group has outlined our current understanding and a possible approach to this here [1]. I'd like for this to be understood as a seed for a wider discussion. Needless to say, I'd very much like to collaborate on this with anybody interested in joining the effort. I'll read it and come back to you. Hi,
In general I like the global direction of p0058r0, but have some concerns respect to the form. This will be longer than I expected.
I like:
* the fact that we are conceptualizing the interface and allowing to customize it
* the additional bulk and synchronous interface execute.
* the way async_execute/when_all/when_any can deduce the returned future once we have an executor parameter (even if I would preferred to associate them to an execution policy - see below).
* the chaining when_all_execute_and_select
* the future cast that can be used when the single thing important is if the task has completed.
* rebind, this type trait should be make generic, and customizable by the user rebind
rebind * the fact that then() continuations consume value types and not on futures (this is in line to my proposed next() function). have you added some kind of recover continuations (like my recover or catch_error)?
* the on(ex).with(p) chaining style (I have used it in order to schedule timing operations in Boost.Thread)
submit(sch.on(ex).at(tp), f);
* we can retrieve the wrapped type,
I like less:
* the fact that executors are aware of futures, I like the split of responsibilities, executors have void() work to schedule, and we have a free function like async/spaw/submit that returns a future. The question is which future should return async(ex, ...). p0058r0 propose async_execute that deduces the future from the executor. I believe that in in the same way the execution policy embodies a set of the rules about where, when and how to run a submitted function object, it should have associated also how the asynchronous result is reported, that is, which specific future must be used as result of async; when_all,when_any.
IMHO, futures depend on executors, not the opposite. I don't know how to implement an executor that can return my special future. However I know how to implement a future that can store a specific Executor.
* I don't know if then_execute result should depend on the future associated to the executor (or execution policy) as I expect the same kind of future as a result.
* the name value_type to retrieve the wrapped type. I' don't know if value_type is the most appropriated when we have future
. ValueType as defined in the Range proposal removes references and cv qualifications. * The name future_traits and the fact that future_traits takes a specific class as template parameter and not a type constructor (a high-order meta-function that transforms types on types). IMO what we are mapping is not std::future<T>, but std::future or std::future<_>. Given a type future<int>, it is useful to have its type_constructor. E.g. type_constructor
is future<_> type_constructor
> is TC value_type > is T As a type constructor future<_> apply
, string> is the same as future<string>. While apply , string> and rebind seems similar, apply can be used with any high order meta-function as e.g. apply . I use rebind when you have an instance of a class, as future<int>, optional<int>, and apply is used when you have a type constructor as future, optional.
rebind can be defined in function of apply and type_constructor.
= apply E.g. if we had a future that takes two parameters T and E (as expected does), the type constructor (respect to T) would be future<_, E>.
* wondering if the same applies to execution policies. Could we consider that a execution policy wraps an executor?
* I need to think about the separation of the execution_policy and the executor. Is the executor copyable? I see that executor policy provides a function to get a reference, but has the executor a reference to its policy? What are the lifetimes of both? executor_type& executor();
* functions having almost the same prototype but behaving quite differently. I see that you propose par(task) policy and that a function can return a future or not depending on the policy (par(task)). I like to use different names when the functions must be used following a different protocol. Do you have an example of an algorithm that is common independently of whether the policy is par or par(task)?
* The cumbersome generic interface I believe in general that we need two different interfaces, the user interface and the customization interface. The customization interface is often less friendly than the user interface. The executor_traits interface is for me one way to customize an interface. Other alternatives are also possible (see below)
At the user level, the following example
Iterator for_each_n(random_access_iterator_tag, ExecutionPolicy&& policy, InputIterator first, Size n, Function f) { using executor_type = typename decay_t<ExecutionPolicy>:::executor_type; executor_traits
::execute(policy.executor(), [=](auto idx) { f(first[idx]); }, n ); } seems more cumbersome than something more direct like
Iterator for_each_n(random_access_iterator_tag, ExecutorPolicy&& policy, InputIterator first, Size n, Function f) { execute(policy.executor(), [=](auto idx) { f(first[idx]); }, n); }
The interface for the user could
execute(Executor&, F&&, Args...); future_result_type_t async_execute(Executor&, F&&, Args...); future_result_type_t
execute_n(Executor&, size_t, F&&, Args...); future_result_type_t async_execute_n(Executor&, size_t, F&&, Args...); Note that the interface allows to pass some information to the task to execute. Note that the bulk versions have a different name as these functions do something different. How to combine the index with the Args can be discussed, but I believe that passing the Index as first parameter of the continuation is a good compromise.
However the executor customized interface doesn't needs the Args parameters, as user functions would pack F and Args to make a void(void)/void(size_t) schedulable work.
Another cumbersome example
using executor_type = typename decay_t<ExecutionPolicy>:::executor_type; return executor_traits
::make_future_ready(policy.executor()); or
return future_traits
::make_ready(); Compare this with a more user friendly
return make_future_ready(policy.executor());
return make<future>();
which of course should be equivalent to the previous code fragment.
I'm working on a on-going factories proposal that would allow make<future>();
BTW, the following function is missing from executor_traits as well as make_exceptional_future.
static future<void> make_ready_future(executor_type& ex);
* What do you think of using overload and flat type traits in order to customize the user interface instead of executor_traits as suggested by Eric? E.g. I would expect that rebind, value_type to be generic and placed at the std level. Other traits are more specific like executor_type, execution_category, ...
* Inspired from Boost.Hana and Haskell I have been customizing some type classes following the following pattern pattern. It is quite close to the trait approach, however, I use an additional level of indirection via a tag type trait that allow to dispatch to a common model instead of defining the trait directly.
executor_traits<T> = executors::type_class::instance
By default executors::type_class::tag<T> is the same as type<T> instead of the type T itself. This in needed to ensure that the associated tag is copyable and is very cheep to copy.
The main difference with Boost.Hana is that here the tag depends on the type class and in Hana it is a global tag associated to a type (data_type).
I use a namespace for each concept/type class that needs to be customized. E.g for the executor concept we could have
namespace executors { struct type_class { template <class Tag> struct instance;
template <class T> struct tag { using type = type<T>; }; }; }
We could have a default definition for executors::type_class::instance<Tag> if we don't need explicit mapping. However, as Hana, I use to define what Hana and Haskel calls Minimum Complete Definition (mcd) (related to lowering in the proposal). In this case, a mcd is based on the definition of ex.async_execute(), so we could have
namespace executors { struct async_execute_mcd {...}; struct type_class { template <class Tag> struct instance : async_execute_mcd {}; } }
Having a common schema to define the traits allows to define other common traits as
I use to place the operations associated with a type class in the same namespace. This is not a requirement, but helps to avoid name collision.
namespace executors { template
> auto execute(Ex& ex, F&& f) -> decltype(Instance::execute(ex, forward<F>(f))) { return Instance::execute(ex, forward<F>(f)); } ... Whether execute would merits to go one level up and move to the parent namespace is subject to discussion, as would be having an alias for
executor_instance<T> = concept_instance_texecutors::type_class,T
Best, Vicente
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