2013/12/13 TyRoXx
The first example for Lambda 1.55 is:
list<int> v(10); for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), _1 = 1);
This is not useful at all. The first two question that every new user would ask are:
- which header files do I have to include? - which namespaces are the things from? Is _1 the global that I already know from bind or not?
+1, but I fraze it differently: it would be helpful (not only for beginners) to put the _minimum_ set of #includes in each snippet, and supply namespace information. I find aliasing long namespaces at the beginning of every shown snippet a good idea.
Many libraries' docs have a statement like: "throughout the docs you shoud
assume #include
A useful example would be:
#include <list> #include <algorithm> #include
// I'm glad this isn't #include
int main() {
namespace ll = boost::lambda;
std::list<int> v(10);
std::for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), ll::_1 = 1);
I mean, it doesn't hurt that much to put the minimum needed #includes and namespace aliases in every snippet. This will not only help beginners, but anyone who wants to copy-paste-modify an example. Could this be made a guidline for Boost docs in general? Regards, Kris