This was recommended here as a topic for GSOC:
So definitely a good idea. I am interested in this project. I might help with mentoring (I know FFT math and C++14/17 inside-out), but I cannot be a mentor because I don't know boost library inside-out. So I can help with technical coding aspects, but a real mentor has to tell where a specific feature has to go into boost library.
It's great to see there's actually interested in the topic. Let's wait to see if someone experienced decides to jump in as mentor.
Now I have looked at the code at
1. It is good that you also provide a wrapper for fftw and OpenMP fftw, such wrapper is missing in boost.
2. Isn't there prime factorization somewhere in boost? you do this manually.
3. you are working with std::vector storage, but I think that you should use boost::ublas::tensor
Your code looks quite modern, it is definitely a short sketch, not a complete library, nothing spectacular.
Just a sketch, of course, not something to boast of. If you'd like to explore I would suggest to take a look also at the other branches, where I have been doing experiments for small vs large size ffts trying to approach FFTW's performance. I will upload a readme soon and some plots to show some benchmarks results.
The first thing to do will be to cut corners. The FFT topic is huge, and GSOC time is limited. Better to do a bit less, but to do it well.
I couldn't agree more.
So to summarize: I am interested. I have never took part in GSOC on either side, so I have no idea how this stuff is organized. I can help with theoretical mathematical and with technical C++ 14/17/20 aspects. But I don't know boost library well enough, where what types are defined, etc. Someone else has to take good care of these things if mentoring. My time is limited, but if others will pick it up, I will do my best.
best regards Janek Kozicki
-- Janek Kozicki, PhD. DSc. Arch. Assoc. Prof. Gdańsk University of Technology Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics Department of Theoretical Physics and Quantum Information -- (click English flag on top right)
Thank you so much. Eduardo Quintana.