Hi, If you are interested about sort methods, I have a parallel implementation of intro-sort and merge-sort. The results of these implementations are similar to the obtained by the parallel implementations of GCC ( using OpnMP) and TBB ( don't have parallel stable sort). In the attached text file you can see the results on my computer. My implementation don't use OpenMP nor TBB. Use a concurrent stack implemented with a vector and with an spin-lock done with atomic variables. It will be compatible with any C++11 compiler The algorithms run well. But they are pending of a detailed adjust in order to improve the speed. If you are interested , please ,say me in which name space must be included. Now are a part of the new version of my library countertree and are in this name space. I will need two weeks for to do because I am teacher and in these days I am buried in a mountain of exams. Yours Francisco Tapia