On 7/2/20 8:38 AM, Mathias Gaunard via Boost wrote:
On Thu, 2 Jul 2020 at 16:21, Richard Hodges via Boost
wrote: At the present time, Chris is working to finalise some significant changes to Asio. These changes have required some refactoring of Boost.Beast at short notice in order to continue to provide a functioning library.
I don't think those changes should be rushed. If Boost.Asio is causing breakage across other Boost libraries, then the best thing to do is to delay the Boost.Asio changes.
I agree with this. We have a good mechanism for handling this. The ASIO changes can go into the develop branch. Matching beast changes can go there as well. Then everthing can be tested/fixed without time constraints. When, when only when, things are fine on the develop branch, changes can be merged all at once to master. This will mean that users will be 3 months behind the bleeding edge. In my opinion, this is not a bad place to be.
Also if Boost.Beast is broken, there are chances other users outside of Boost will be broken as well, so maybe something to consider?
Right, and working under this sort of pressure, it seems pretty likely that something will be broken. Robert Ramey