On 21.02.2017 12:53, Hans Dembinski via Boost wrote:
I suppose my big question is this: can't you just merge your ideas/improvements into boost::mpl? With ifdefs you could enable C++14 features like templated aliases when they are available. Even more so, it should be possible to merge your speed improvements into boost::mpl.
The biggest and most useful feature of "new" TMP libraries is variadic
templates that increase performance by a really huge factor. The problem
with MPL is that vector type sequence must derive from vectorN-s, which
are documented and can be used in template specialization. So it is
impossible or pointless to remplement mpl::vector in terms of variadic
parameters because of that. The other problem that I can quickly recall
is recursive iterator-based approach, which also kills performance.
Personally, I found it better from both performance and code sanity
sides to extract types from mpl::vector to variadic sequence via partial
template specialization (with mpl::vectorN
Best regards, Hans
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