but maybe those problems are now completely resolved and I just have not kept up with the discussion. Also Steven Ross will want to integrate 'spreadsort' into the modular boost directory structure and since this is his first contribution to Boost we need to make it understandable to him how to do this.
Yes. One question is "who is the maintainer for the overall sort library?" It would be nice if someone was looking at the big picture, so that there was some consistency between individual sorts for docs, testing, etc. There might be some overall docs, too, to help users choose between algorithms without having to read about each sort algorithm separately.
Steven, are you interested in that role?
Yes, I'm willing to perform that role. The question seems to boil down to: do we have algorithm/sort/spreadsort, or just sort/spreadsort? Either way, sort should probably be its own submodule. There was still the concern from Rene that sub-sub-modules can be difficult for others to put together properly (for the purpose of building a minimal necessary subset). Has that been resolved? My inclination is that unless the maintainer of the algorithm library would welcome a new sub-submodule, and the concerns about the difficulty of building a minimal subset aren't resolved, I'd rather have this as it's own module: sort.