2016-05-30 12:04 GMT+02:00 Vladimir Batov
On 2016-05-30 17:47, Andrzej Krzemienski wrote:
... I am trying to make boost::optional resemble std::optional (where it is reasonably easy to achieve). std::optional has this nice and useful "placement" constructor:
std::optionalstd::mutex m {std::in_place};
std::in_place is a tag type, that instructs std::optional to create an object using placement-new syntax, from the provided arguments (zero in the example), without incurring any move construction. ...
To me the situation sounds quite concerning as I'd expect boost libs to extend std counterparts, i.e. I suspect many people would expect boost::foo = std::foo + something-else-useful functionally-wise. That is, I'd personally expect the migration from boost::foo to std::foo to be a simple renaming matter (if I did not use extra boost functionality).
The situation with in-place factories sounds like a diversion and you seem to suggest (if I've got it right) to move even further.
There seems to be some misunderstanding here. Indeed, there is currently a gap between std::optional and boost::optional: we have a name std::in_place, which is a tag, and we have a name boost::in_place, which is something different. More, boost::in_place is not part of Boost.Optional library: it is in Boost Utility Library. I am exploring the possibility of closing the gap between two optionals, I just don't see how to do it without breaking the backwards compatibility for Boost users.
Would not it be long-term proper to align boost::optional with std::optional? If that requires renaming boost in-place factories, then that might be a better long-term solution.
I read your suggestion as "rename current in-place factories form boost::in_place to something else". Is that right?
If, say, that additional functionality is later scheduled for std inclusion.
I am not sure what you mean here. I am pretty sure the in-place factories will never be standardized, as we have a superior solution in C++11: tags and perfect-forwarding of functions. Regards, &rzej