OK, thank you - I'll test your suggestions.
Am 27.12.2016 2:12 nachm. schrieb "Daniel James"
Hello Daniel, I'm referring to http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_63_0/libs/fiber/doc/html/ fiber/performance.html . The page should contain three tables (the one related to threads is missing) - my modification s date from end of November. Oliver
The change you referred to before was from the 17th, but the html file in git was last updated on the 10th. https://github.com/boostorg/fiber/blob/master/doc/html/ fiber/performance.html I guess that's what you're seeing. I'm not sure how the build is set up now, but I'm guessing it wasn't set up to build the fiber documentation because there's already html files there. To build the documentation, I think you need to change the end of your documentation jamfile to something like: alias boostdoc ; explicit boostdoc ; alias boostrelease : fiber ; explicit boostrelease ; Although, I can't test that now, so it might be wrong. I'd also delete the html documentation from the repo, as a broken link is a better indicator that the documentation isn't being built. _______________________________________________ Unsubscribe & other changes: http://lists.boost.org/ mailman/listinfo.cgi/boost