I have some experience in using BGL and porting my non-BGL graph code to BGL. I want to create pull request for generating random maximal planar graphs. I have 1994 technical report non-BGL implementation on gihub. So before porting that, I want to get some experience on the Boost pull request and review process. I made use of the many planar graph algorithms in straight_line_graphviz.cpp gist: https://gist.github.com/Hermann-SW/99d151a273d290ee0d843c79b2da26a8 So I thought on a providing planar graph vertex coloring algorthm(s) as handson. I would start by taking https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_85_0/libs/graph/doc/sequential_vertex_color... as a template for "planar_vertex_coloring.hpp". My plan is to first port my existing fast linear time "six_coloring()" https://github.com/Hermann-SW/planar_graph_playground/blob/main/c%2B%2B/undi... and learn about the review process with it. Later I would implement one of the several linear time "five_coloring()" algorithms: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_color_theorem#Linear_time_five-coloring_a... And probably the quadratic time "four_coloring()" algorithm mentioned there as well. I looked at commits in Boost graph directory and there is not that much recent activity. Is my plan and the steps outlined the right way to start? Regards, Hermann Stamm-Wilbrandt.