Hello everyone! Boost board has been working on a few improvements lately, one of which is to create a new *Boost Discourse server: https://discourse.boost.org/ https://discourse.boost.org/* The server is meant to allow more interactive and convenient development in the boost community, and we'll be happy to have you all there! *To join the server:* 1. Go to the URL: https://discourse.boost.org/ 2. Login to the discourse server 3. The server contains three categories: 1. Beginners - start here if you're new to Boost or to discourse 2. Boost Development - go here to create a new topic of discussion (roughly, we expect every new library will have its own discussion thread) 3. Community - go here if you'd like to start a thread about community topics, or if you'd like to talk about anything that doesn't fit the first two topics :) *To start a technical discussion:* 1. log-in 2. Go to the "*Boost Development*" category 3. Click on "+ New Topic" (in the right upper corner), and add a new discussion topic for your library! [image: image.png] Please review our Code of Conduct https://cppnow.org/about/code_of_conduct/ before participation. We expect a respectful and positive discussion! If there are any technical issues, feel free to approach me at: sinbal2lextra@gmail.com or any other of the server admins: jeff@crystalclearsoftware.com, camior@gmail.com, whatwasthataddress@gmail.com Looking forward to seeing you all in our new discourse server! 🤗 Thanks, Inbal Levi, in the name of the Boost Foundation board members ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Lead Software Engineer @ Millenium* Isocpp, Boost &"Hamakor" Non-Profits Board Member ISO C++ LEWG Chair & Israeli NB Chair C++Now Program Chair & CoreC++ Conference Organizer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~