On Fri, 25 Sep 2020 at 07:19, Gavin Lambert via Boost
Mere moments ago, quoth I:
How do I tell in my jamfile when CI testing is occurring in order to disable the tests for CI builds.
I'm not familiar with Jamfiles (or CI, for that matter), so perhaps someone else should chime in at this point...
... but it does look like both Travis and Appveyor set the environment variable CI when building (they both set it to "true", but not with identical case; checking it against empty value is probably sufficient though), so you can possibly check that.
(They also set TRAVIS or APPVEYOR respectively, if you need to distinguish them.)
FWIW, Boost.Gil [1] and Boost.Phoenix [2] appears to have an example of changing compiler settings based on CI or not, which you could crib from.
For GIL, I was piggybacking on Andrey Semashev's solution that Andrey just suggested in his response. It's simple and works well. Best regards, -- Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net