On Jun 19, 2017, at 6:42 PM, Niall Douglas via Boost
wrote: I've finished the mockup which can be studied at:
Just Boost.System was cmakeified. Extensive comments are throughout to explain every single line of cmake and why it's there. A small sample program is in the root of the repo to show how this cmake would be used by end user programs.
Here some feedback, I have: - Having things like `::hl` or `::sl` is quite strange. In cmake, I set `BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=On` when I want a shared library or I set it to `BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=Off` when I want a static library. There should only be one target `boost::config` or `boost::system` that I use. - Each project do things like `include("${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../cmake/BoostVersion.cmake”)` which is broken when built on its own. - Doing `if(NOT TARGET boost::assert::hl)` is wrong. A target does not have to exists to be able to link against it. Plus, it should call `find_package(boost_assert)` to bring in the target for when its not built in the superproject. - There is no installation of the targets - Doing `target_include_directories(boost_core-hl INTERFACE "include”)` is wrong as this will only add the include directories for the build. The include directories should be added for the build and for the installation.