[Antony Polukhin]
Looks like Variadic templates are still broken in VC++. (void) (int []){0, (ost << printer()( std::get<Is>(tup) ), 0)... };
I don't think it's variadic templates specifically, but attempting to brace-init the elements of an array.
Another failure is in https://github.com/boostorg/variant/blob/develop/test/variant_reference_test... ..\libs\variant\test\variant_reference_test.cpp(88): error C2784: 'boost::add_reference<T>::type wknd_get(boost::variant
Is this a template argument deduction error? There should be more to this message.
Unfortunately could not report those issues to https://connect.microsoft.com, web site does not respond.
As a favor to Boost, I am willing to file compiler bugs for these issues, but I (and the compiler team) would like to have minimal test cases, i.e. small source files with no Boost includes. The compiler team can deal with preprocessed files but digging through tons of source takes longer. STL