On 22/07/17 08:17, Daniela Engert via Boost wrote:
Am 22.07.2017 um 06:38 schrieb degski via Boost:
On 22 July 2017 at 07:20, Steven Watanabe via Boost
wrote: It seems (according to kitware https://blog.kitware.com/cmake-building-with-all-your-cores/) that JOM http://download.qt.io/official_releases/jom/jom_1_1_2.zip is the answer to that.
Yet another dependency - yay! With every suggestion on how to get around deficiencies of CMake when it comes to actually build (and test) something things are getting more complicated.
What CMake is providing here is choice and flexibility. If you want to build on Windows with no extra tools, you can use nmake or project/solution files. Both can be used directly from the command-line (nmake, msbuild) with no use of a GUI, but both are a bit slow and have no or limited parallelisation. You could use jom to speed up nmake Makefiles. Or you can choose to generate build files for something else entirely; personally on Windows I use Ninja due to its excellent parallelisation and speed compared with the others. The choice is up to the user to use an extra tool for speed, or the default tools for convenience. I don't see this flexibility as a bad thing; it's one of the big selling points for using CMake in the first place. Regards, Roger