I was browsing through the Boost website this morning and the links on
right sidebar caught my attention. It appears that there is a duplicate entry for "coding guidelines for constant integral expressions", under Development / Requirements and Guidelines. The first of these links
to the correct page. The second links to a page regarding library metadata. I'm not sure who, exactly, to contact for this, so I figured
From: Daniel James
To: boost@lists.boost.org Cc: Date: Sun, 10 May 2015 20:04:10 +0100 Subject: Re: [boost] [boost.org website] Incorrect links on Boost website On 10 May 2015 at 16:10, Michael Levine wrote: the points this list would be the most appropriate means to have this addressed. It's fixed now.
Hi, Along these lines, I have spotted a curious detail on 3 Boost mailing lists. The logos (C++ Boost / Boost C++ libraries) point to web pages that are not affiliated in any way to boost. The concerned lists are: - http://lists.boost.org/boost-docs/ points to www [dot] boost [dot] com - http://lists.boost.org/boost-testing/ points to www [dot] boost [dot] com - http://lists.boost.org/geometry/ points to www [dot] osl [dot] iu [dot] edu There are maybe more wrong links that I haven't caught. Can it be fixed, please?. Regards, Marek Kurdej