On 7 Jan 2014 at 19:35, Oliver Kowalke wrote:
I'll add an rational section to the documentation - the library is pre-alpha (e.g. I'm experimenting with some ideas - but if you are interested I can discuss it with you in a private email).
I know the feeling. Bjorn (Reese) has been doing a sort of private peer review of AFIO with me recently, and I keep telling him things are weird in AFIO because it's all very alpha and I want to keep my future design options open. Thing is, Bjorn is generally right, and bits of AFIO suck and need fixing. I've been trying my best to fix things, but it ain't easy compiling and debugging Boost on an Intel Atom 220 (all I have available right now).
This is one items which could be discussed. for instance I've concerns to add future::get_exception_ptr() because I believe it is not really required, it is only for convenience.
Ehhh not really ... it lets you avoid a catch(), which is one of the few places in C++ without a worst case complexity guarantee. Catching types with RTTI (anything deriving from std::exception) in a large application can be unpleasantly slow (and unpredictably slow), and if you're bouncing exception state across say five separate futures, that's five separate unnecessary try...catch() invocations. BTW, older compilers also tend to serialise parts of try...catch() processing across threads. If you fire off a thousand threads doing nothing but throwing and catching exceptions you'll see some fun on older compilers (e.g. pre-VS2012).
I don't understand what they do, and I think I ought to.
It is pretty simple - the fiber-scheduler contains a reference to asio's io_service and uses it a event-queue/event-dispatcher, e.g. it pushes fibers ready to run (e.g. fiber newly created, yielded fibers or signaled fibers suspended by a wait-operation on sync. primitives).
Oh I see ... just like AFIO does with ASIO's io_service in fact. If it's that easy, adding Fiber support should be a real cinch.
I don't know the factor of fibers scaling - I would consider boost.fiber a way to simplify the code, e.g. it prevents scattering the code by callbacks (for instance in the context of boost.asio). my starting point was to solve problmes like the C10K-problem (Dan Kegel explains it in a more detail on its webpage - I'm referring to it in boost.fiber's documentation - http://olk.github.io/libs/fiber/doc/html/fiber/asio.html).
Thing is ... the C10K problem *is* a performance problem. If you're going to suggest that Boost.Fiber helps to solve or does solve the C10K problem, I think you need to demonstrate at least a 100K socket processing capacity seeing as some useful work also needs to be done with the C10K problem. Otherwise best not mention the C10K problem, unless you're saying that you hope in the near future to be able to address that problem in which case the wording needs to be clarified.
well that are the problems we are all faced to :) I've not done performance tests, sorry
I appreciate and understand this. However, I must then ask this: is your library ready to enter Boost if you have not done any performance testing or tuning?
Eh, well then I guess you need a link to the correct page in boost.context where it lists the architectures it works on. Certainly a big question for anyone considering Fiber is surely "will it work on my CPU"?
the docu of boost.context is mising this info - I'll add it (could you add an bug-report for boost.context please).
and we'll figure out the rest. I definitely need the ability to signal a fibre future belonging to thread A from some arbitrary thread B. I'll also need to boost::asio::io_service::post() to an ASIO io_service running fibers in thread A from some arbitrary thread B.
yes, as I explained it is supported.Maybe because I've writen the code don't know why the documentation is not enought for you.
It wasn't clear from the docs that your Fiber support primitives library is also threadsafe. I had assumed (like Antony seemed to as well) that for speed you wouldn't have done that, but it certainly is a lot easier if it's all threadsafe too.
what works is that you create fibers::packaged_task<> and execute it in a fiber on thread A and wait on fibers::future<> returned by packaged_task<>::get_future() in thread B.
Yes I understand now. fibers::packaged_task<> is a strict superset of std::packaged_task<>, not an incommensurate alternative. That works for me, but others may have issue with it.
The docs need to explicitly say so then, and indeed thread safety for *every* API in the library.
BTW, I did this in AFIO by creating a macro with the appropriate boilerplate text saying "this function is threadsafe and exception safe", and then doing a large scale regex find and replace :) I only wish I could do the same for complexity guarantees, but that requires studying each API's possible code paths individually.
I think, as a minimum, all the examples need to appear verbatim in the docs
the complete code? I would prefer only code snippets - the complete code be read in the example directory. otherwise the documentation would be bloated (at least I would skip pages of code).
You can stick them into an Appendix section at the bottom. They're purely there for Googlebot to find, no one is expecting humans to really go there. That said, if you want to do an annotated commentary on a broken up set of snippets from the examples, do feel free :). But I think inline source comments is usually plenty enough. You asked about the comments you added to https://github.com/olk/boost-fiber/blob/master/examples/asio/publish_s ubscribe/server.cpp. They do help, but I am still struggling somewhat. How about this? Can you do a side-by-side code example where on the left side is an old style ASIO callback based implementation, and on the right is an ASIO Fiber based implementation? Something like https://ci.nedprod.com/job/Boost.AFIO%20Build%20Documentation/Boost.AF IO_Documentation/doc/html/afio/quickstart/async_file_io/hello_world.ht ml. It doesn't have to be anything more than a trivial Hello World style toy thing. I just need to map in my head what yield[ec] means, and how that interplays with boost::fibers::asio::spawn and io_service::post(). Also one last point: your fiber condvar seems to suffer from no spurious wakeups like pthread condvars? You're certainly not protecting it from spurious wakeups in the example code. If spurious wakeups can't happen, you *definitely* need to mention that in the docs as that is a much tighter guarantee over standard condvars. Niall -- Currently unemployed and looking for work. Work Portfolio: http://careers.stackoverflow.com/nialldouglas/