On 10/14/21 2:52 AM, Vinnie Falco via Boost wrote:
On Wed, Oct 13, 2021 at 4:09 PM Gavin Lambert via Boost
wrote: ...
Given the following path:
What should iterating the segments return?
{ "path", "to", "file.txt" } or { "/path", "/to", "/file.txt" }
or something else?
Given this path:
What should iterating the segments return?
{ "my", "download", "folder", "" } or { "my/", "download/", "folder/" } or { "my", "/download", "/folder", "/" }
or something else?
Given an empty relative-ref (empty string) in a url u, what is the encoded path after executing this statement?
u.segments().push_back( "index.htm" );
Anyone feel free to answer!
If std::filesystem::path is an example to follow then path elements should not contain path separators, except the root directory. The trailing separator is indicated by an empty final element. So: /my/download/folder/ would correspond to: { "/", "my", "download", "folder", "" } and /path/to/file.txt to { "/", "path", "to", "file.txt" } I think, URL paths must always have the root directory as the leading slash is a necessary separator from the host and port, so you could probably omit it from the list of elements.