I meant:
I adopted it and It passes - no problem there.
creating of code convert facets including documentation about what they are and how to use them. Examples of usage would be the new utf8codecvt facet we're talking about.
How can I say this gently. codecvt facet is used there because it is "Standard" way of doing things and it is far from being flawless [1] but it exists and it is the ultimate way to convert between encodings in C++. std::locale is complex stuff with many issues by design including its codecvt facet - they are both hard to create and use. Most of users don't really need them - ideally you just run std::locale::global(std::locale("")) And everything just works for any stuff that needs to handle encoding. But in reality it does not. So you need to put workarounds and create stuff like utf8 facet because some standard libraries on some very well known operating system do not support UTF-8 locales. And consider it "confusing" that std::string is accidentally becomes utf-8 encoded string. All the char const *str = u8"привет-שלום" stuff to encode UTF-8 string was born in sin and probably die this way because of some specific vendors that ignore what the world had learned well. So ideally end users should not care about codecvt - that is why originally in nowide there is just a function called boost::nowide::nowide_filesystem() And magic happens. The problem to understand how the magic works you need to learn a lots of things and simple tutorial isn't enough - even entire library like Boost.Nowide isn't always enough. Regards, Artyom Beilis [1] One of the sings it does not allow to implement stateful encodings (such that can compose and decompose some characters the way iconv does)