On 22.05.2016 11:12, degski wrote:
I'm running an up-to-date operating system, and I switched to C++ 11 as soon as it became viable. I can do that because I'm an individual. Organizations move more slowly, and the bigger they are, the slower they move.
Not necessarilly, e.g. every Windows OS is built with the (their) latest compiler... that's why they make it in the first place (at least in the past)...
I'm sure they do. I'm also sure that they have legacy code dating back a long time, so I don't know how modern their codebase actually is and how many C++ 14 features they actually use. Presumably they use at most the subset of C++ 14 that is actually supported by their compiler, which is a good deal less than full C++ 14.
Wikipedia even says, "Visual C++ 6.0 is still quite popular".
Don't believe everything they say on WP.
The release schedule of gcc is here https://gcc.gnu.org/releases.html. Now have a look and try to figure out why I thought was pretty funny... (hint: the combination of the words "up-to-date" and "gcc 4.8")...
I'm using the latest version of gcc provided by the latest version of my OS. Using a later version of gcc would require either compiling from source or switching to another operating system. Yes, it's a shame that Ubuntu isn't more proactive about making more up-to-date compiler packages available, but there's nothing I can do about it. -- Rainer Deyke (rainerd@eldwood.com)