Application leaves process behind

My application is not cleaning up properly - it leaves the process behind in task manager after exiting.I read about this below, but I'm setting all sinks from a configuration file. Can the shutdown documented in link below be done from the config file? If so, what are the options? I am using multi-threaded loggers. Thanks in advance. c++ - How to stop all asynchronous sinks when using Boost.Log - Stack Overflow Snippet of code referenced in link above: // Remove the sink from the core, so that no records are passed to it core->remove_sink(sink); // Break the feeding loop sink->stop(); // Flush all log records that may have left buffered sink->flush(); sink.reset(); Snippet of my config file: # Logging core settings section. May be omitted if no parameters specified within it.[Core]# <DisableLogging> true=disable all logging; false=enable all logging Q. do we care to disable specific channels?DisableLogging=false # Sink settings sections#GTSMAIN logs everything to a text file[Sinks.GTSMAIN]Destination="TextFile" #<Asynchronous> if true, a thread is dedicated to writing to log, otherwise blocks main thread to write.Asynchronous="true" # Enables automatic stream flush after each log record.AutoFlush="true" # Formatter string. Optional, by default only log record message text is written.Format="[%TimeStamp%][%ThreadID%][%Severity%][%Channel%] %Message%" #Target specifies where to save files when rotation occurrsTarget="C:/Temp/GtsLogs"FileName="gtsMainLog_%3N.log"#RotationSize in bytesRotationSize="1048576"#MaxSize - oldest file in the target directory will be deleted when Maxsize(in bytes) is reachedMaxSize=100485760OpenMode="append"#Apply no filter for the main log# Sink-specific filter. Optional, by default no filter is applied.#============================================================================================================[Sinks.ADM]Destination="TextFile"##<Asynchronous> if true, a thread is dedicated to writing to log, otherwise blocks main thread to write.Asynchronous="true"### Enables automatic stream flush after each log record.AutoFlush="true"### Formatter string. Optional, by default only log record message text is written.Format="[%TimeStamp%][%ThreadID%][%Severity%][%Channel%] %Message%"#Target="C:/Temp/GtsLogs"FileName="gtsAdm_%3N.log"##RotationSize in bytesRotationSize="1048576"##MaxSize - oldest file in the target directory will be deleted when Maxsize(in bytes) is reachedMaxSize=100485760##Apply no filter for the main log## Sink-specific filter - anything in AGR channel. Optional, by default no filter is applied.Filter="%Channel% matches \"ADM\""##============================================================================================================[Sinks.AGR]Destination="TextFile"###<Asynchronous> if true, a thread is dedicated to writing to log, otherwise blocks main thread to write.Asynchronous="true"### Enables automatic stream flush after each log record.AutoFlush="true"### Formatter string. Optional, by default only log record message text is written.Format="[%TimeStamp%][%ThreadID%][%Severity%][%Channel%] %Message%"#Target="C:/Temp/GtsLogs"FileName="gtsAgr_%3N.log"##RotationSize in bytesRotationSize="1048576"##MaxSize - oldest file in the target directory will be deleted when Maxsize(in bytes) is reachedMaxSize=100485760## Sink-specific filter - anything in AGR channel. Optional, by default no filter is applied.Filter="%Channel% matches \"AGR\""
participants (1)
Isabelle Poueriet