Building for x64 and ia64
I am trying to build for x64 and ia64 and getting few errors. OS: XP Sp2 32 bit Compiler : MSVC 8.0 with SP1 Build Commands : REM Clean All REM .\tools\jam\stage\bin.ntx86\bjam.exe --clean release REM Build x86 .\tools\jam\stage\bin.ntx86\bjam.exe release debug-symbols=on link=static --with-serialization --stagedir=".\bin\release\i386" stage REM Build x64 call "%VS80COMNTOOLS%..\..\vc\bin\x86_amd64\vcvarsx86_amd64.bat" .\tools\jam\stage\bin.ntx86\bjam.exe release debug-symbols=on link=static --with-serialization --toolset=msvc address-model=64 --stagedir=".\bin\release\X64" stage REM Build IA64 call "%VS80COMNTOOLS%..\..\vc\bin\x86_ia64\vcvarsx86_ia64.bat" .\tools\jam\stage\bin.ntx86\bjam.exe release debug-symbols=on link=static --with-serialization --toolset=msvc architecture=ia64 --stagedir=".\bin\release\IA64" stage x86 builds fine. I am getting these errors and I don't see the libs eventually at the end. C:\Documents and Settings\shantibhushan.terdal\Desktop\boost_1_36_0\bin.v2\libs\config\te st\all\no_std_locale_pass.test\msvc-8.0\release\address-model-64\debug-s ymbols-on\link-static\threading-multi\no_std_locale_pass.exe is not a valid Win32 application. C:\Documents and Settings\shantibhushan.terdal\Desktop\boost_1_36_0\bin.v2\libs\config\te st\all\no_std_wstreambuf_pass.test\msvc-8.0\release\address-model-64\deb ug-symbols-on\link-static\threading-multi\no_std_wstreambuf_pass.exe is not a valid Win32 application. C:\Documents and Settings\shantibhushan.terdal\Desktop\boost_1_36_0\bin.v2\libs\config\te st\all\no_std_locale_pass.test\msvc-8.0\release\architecture-ia64\debug- symbols-on\link-static\threading-multi\no_std_locale_pass.exe is not a valid Win32 application. C:\Documents and Settings\shantibhushan.terdal\Desktop\boost_1_36_0\bin.v2\libs\config\te st\all\no_std_wstreambuf_pass.test\msvc-8.0\release\architecture-ia64\de bug-symbols-on\link-static\threading-multi\no_std_wstreambuf_pass.exe is not a valid Win32 application. Is there any way to get around this ? Is it because I am running these tests on x68 machine? I don't have x64 and ia64 machines to test; what is the alternative? Thanks Shanti
It seems like the binaries are x64 and hence will not run on x86
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
-----Original Message-----
From: "Terdale, Shantibhushan"
AMDG wrote:
It seems like the binaries are x64 and hence will not run on x8
Ugh. Here we go again. See In Christ, Steven Watanabe
participants (3)
Steven Watanabe
Terdale, Shantibhushan