we ran into an issue, were the system installation of boost is exposed
by a third party lib we rely on (ROS), but it contains a bug.
The bug in boost is fixed in a way more recent version of boost,
therefore we are looking into using two versions of boost at the same time.
To archive this, we want to run the newer boost version in a custom
namespace, and already found the bcp tool, that helps with generating a
namespace version of boost for us.
The issue we are now hitting is, that the includes in our custom boost
version are not altered by bcp, and therefore pick up the system
headers. E.g. geometry.hpp contains '#include
' but in order to work for us, it would
need to be '#include '.
Are we missing some magical bcp option, or is this just not supported ?
Janosch Machowinski
cellumation GmbH | Linzer Str.5 | 28359 Bremen | Germany
P: +49 421 331135 35
F: +49 421 331135 99
Website | YouTube
Registernummer: HRB32569 | Registergericht: Amtsgericht Bremen | Ust-Id.Nr.: DE313140406
Geschäftsführer: Dr.-Ing. Hendrik Thamer, Claudio Uriarte
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