I got a this suggestion from Damien Mulligan which worked really well. Use subst to map a drive letter to the path for the MSVC directory then use that drive letter in the VISUALC environment variable. Works like a charm. I should of thought of that. Thanks Damien. Mike
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 08:12:05 -0400 From: Anthony Kolarik
Subject: RE: Digest Number 11 I don't have an answer for your specific JAM/Boost problem but I've seen similar build problems (using cons)on NT and ended up using temp files to hold the command line for the linker, rather than try to figure out why the command lines worked fine on some machines and were too much for others.
You could look into registry settings to extend the buffer size for the command interpreter but unless you can do it programmatically the temp file approach would probably be a better. -- Tony K.
participants (1)
Mike Owens