Re: [Boost-users] Problem compiling boost::iostreams - bzlib.h file not found

Thanks for your help Jonathan. Regarding my comment on the #includes, it's just a minor stylistic point which you can take or leave. My point was just that, in my experience, common practice is to use #include <..> for files from different libraries, and #include "..." only for files from your own project. Of course the only difference is that the <> version looks for files in the include path, and the "" version first looks in the current directory and then in the include path. Using <> to include headers from other libraries is therefore *slightly* safer I guess, if only in the unlikely situation where you have a header file with the same name in the current directory; with <> you know you're using the library's own version of the header file and not your own (which would generally be the desired action unless you specifically wanted to override the library's own version). Additionally, from a readability point of view, <> makes it clear that the header is from another library. As I say, this is a minor point, and feel free to ignore it! Tim
Message: 2 Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 12:34:46 -0600 From: "Jonathan Turkanis"
Subject: Re: [Boost-users] Problem compiling boost::iostreams - bzlib.h file notfound To: Message-ID: Tim Taylor wrote:
I have just downloaded boost 1.33.0 and am doing a bulk-standard install on my linux PC as per the instructions, with the command:
bjam "-sTOOLS=gcc" install
Nearly everything worked fine, but the iostreams library failed to compile, with the error in boost_1_33_0/libs/iostreams/src/bzip2.cpp: could not find include file "bzlib.h"
Try defining the variable NO_BZIP2. See and
On further investigation, this file comes from the package libbzip2_1-devel, which also needs to be installed.
An extra thought: bzip2.cpp includes this file as #include "bzlib.h" but it should really be #include
as this is from a different library. Could you elaborate?

Tim Taylor wrote:
Thanks for your help Jonathan.
Regarding my comment on the #includes, it's just a minor stylistic point which you can take or leave. My point was just that, in my experience, common practice is to use #include <..> for files from different libraries, and #include "..." only for files from your own project.
Boost uses a mix of <> and "" to include Boost headers. I don't think it's a universal custom to use "" only for headers in the same library, but I'll switch if there's a consensus.
Of course the only difference is that the <> version looks for files in the include path, and the "" version first looks in the current directory and then in the include path.
This stuff is implementation-defined, I believe; it just happens to work this way with most (but not all) compilers.
Using <> to include headers from other libraries is therefore *slightly* safer I guess, if only in the unlikely situation where you have a header file with the same name in the current directory; with <> you know you're using the library's own version of the header file and not your own (which would generally be the desired action unless you specifically wanted to override the library's own version). Additionally, from a readability point of view, <> makes it clear that the header is from another library.
Maybe I shouldn't have removed the comments explaining where the headers came from. I'll put them back in.
As I say, this is a minor point, and feel free to ignore it!
participants (2)
Jonathan Turkanis
Tim Taylor