[iterator] error while accessing member of result of brackets-operator

the following code does not compile with the last line in main(). The
error message is
main.cpp: In function 'int main()':
main.cpp:37:8: error: 'boost::detail::operator_brackets_result

2014/1/9 Sebastian Pfützner
the following code does not compile with the last line in main(). The error message is
main.cpp: In function 'int main()': main.cpp:37:8: error: 'boost::detail::operator_brackets_result
::type' has no member named 'i' it[3].i = 0; ^ What could be the problem?
struct S { int i; float f; };
class It : public boost::iterator_facade
{ private: friend class boost::iterator_core_access; static S s;
reference dereference() const { return s; }
bool equal(It const&) const { return true; }
void increment() {} void decrement() {} void advance(difference_type n) {}
difference_type distance_to(It const&) const { return 0; } };
int main() { It it; (*(it + 3)).i = 0; S& s = it[3]; s.i = 0; it[3].i = 0; }
In your case, it[3] returns a boost::detail::operator_brackets_proxy<It>
instead of S& you expect:
// A proxy return type for operator[], needed to deal with
// iterators that may invalidate referents upon destruction.
// Consider the temporary iterator in *(a + n)
template <class Iterator>
class operator_brackets_proxy;
As the comment sais, it[3] won't return a reference directly "to deal with
// iterators that may invalidate referents upon destruction.
// Consider the temporary iterator in *(a + n)". I don't know in what
situations that can happen.
I don't see a clean way to force it[3] to return a real reference. Can
anyone comment on this?
That said, here's a hack for you: right after the definition of struct S
insert this code:
class It;
namespace boost { namespace detail {
template <> struct operator_brackets_result

On 09.01.2014 17:43, Krzysztof Czainski wrote:
That said, here's a hack for you: right after the definition of struct S insert this code:
class It;
namespace boost { namespace detail { template <> struct operator_brackets_result
{ typedef S& type; }; }}
That works in the example. In my real code, /It/ is a template and I don't know how to specialize operator_brackets_result for each instantiation. Unfortunately, I can not change the algorithm, that accepts a random-access-iterator of a certain class and uses it like in the example. It is surprising, that my iterator is not a real random-access-iterator and I don't see the difference to /(*(it + n)).member/, which works. -- Sebastian Pfützner s.pfuetzner@onlinehome.de ICQ-ID: 39965036

2014/1/10 Sebastian Pfützner
On 09.01.2014 17:43, Krzysztof Czainski wrote:
That said, here's a hack for you: right after the definition of struct S insert this code:
class It;
namespace boost { namespace detail { template <> struct operator_brackets_result
{ typedef S& type; }; }} That works in the example. In my real code, /It/ is a template and I don't know how to specialize operator_brackets_result for each instantiation.
It should be possible to write a partial specialization of
operator_brackets_result<> for the whole template It.
For example:
template < class T > class It;
namespace boost { namespace detail {
template < class T > struct operator_brackets_result
participants (2)
Krzysztof Czainski
Sebastian Pfützner