Hi all,
I found that uBLAS doesn't have Serialization support built in. So in my
code, I do the following:
===== snip =====
class A
typedef boost::numeric::ublas::c_vector container_t;
// Other member functions...
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template <typename Archive>
void serialize(Archive &ar, unsigned int version)
container_t::pointer data = data_.data();
container_t::value_type (*p)[3] =
ar & boost::serialization::make_nvp("data", *p);
// The data field to be serialized
container_t data_;
===== snip =====
While this code seems to be working on my machine, there is
reinterpret_cast<> in place in order to grab the content of the vector,
as you can see. So my question is: Is this way of performing
serialization safe/ portable/ etc.?
Any idea?
Wu Yinghui, Freddie
Research & Development
Software Engineer
Volume Interactions Pte Ltd
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Email: yhwu@volumeinteractions.com
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