[Thread] condition.cc test doesn't work..

Hello everybody, I've got a synchronization problem with two threads and I need a semaphore or a condition class in which a thread can wait on until that condition is verified. In other words i need to synchronize two or more threads and I need the wait() and notify() routines. I found some useful code in boost::thread libraries, but it seems I could not use it because it seems not completely built...or.. boh I don't really know. I tried also to build it lauching an executable builder I downloaded from the internet but I can't use it because don't have the root priviledges. I attach the source code and the errors I got. Is there anyone so kind to help me solving this little question? Thank you in advance! Giacomo

Am Samstag, den 30.12.2006, 00:00 +0100 schrieb Giacomo Piccolo:
Hello everybody,
I've got a synchronization problem with two threads and I need a semaphore or a condition class in which a thread can wait on until that condition is verified. In other words i need to synchronize two or more threads and I need the wait() and notify() routines.
I found some useful code in boost::thread libraries, but it seems I could not use it because it seems not completely built...or.. boh I don't really know.
Boost.Thread isn't header only, you have to build link against it. On Linux you should install the related package of your distro. If you do it on your own(i.e. because you don't have install rights) follow the getting started guide ${BOOST_DIR}/more/getting_started/index.html HTH Maik
participants (2)
Giacomo Piccolo
Maik Beckmann