Boost 1.66.0 is causing the Windows file NTVERP.H to be included (defining macros such as VER_DEBUG, VER_PRODUCTVERSION_STR, etc), preventing the definition of those macros by the application. This behavior didn't exist in 1.65.1, and breaks a standard Windows paradigm (it is very common for a Windows program to have a Version.h file containing the version resource macros (that are also defined in NTVERP.H), and then include Version.h in the main CPP file and the Resources.RC file). The NTVERP.H file contains the version information for the Windows SDK, and should NOT be included in an application! NTVERPH.H is included in: boost.\lib\native\include\boost\predef\platform\windows_uwp.h boost.\lib\native\include\boost\winapi\config.hpp
participants (1)
Brian Catlin