Boost.Pool: Writing a base class for per-class pool allocation
Hi all,
I am currently trying to write a base class which overloads new and
delete so that they allocate from a boost pool:
template<typename T> class pool_object {
static void* operator new(size_t) { return pool_.malloc(); }
static void operator delete(void *p) {; }
static boost::pool<> pool_;
template<typename T>
boost::pool<> pool_object<T>::pool_(sizeof(T));
The idea is that one can write: class foo : public pool_object<foo> { ... };
The problem with this is that boost::pool is not thread-safe. The
thread-safe variant is a singleton pool. However, this is parametrized
by a size: boost::singleton_pool
participants (1)
Freddie Witherden