Problems with file_iterator and skip parsers

Can anyone explain to me what is wrong with the following:
my_grammer g; // a grammar, the actual grammar I'm using is too long
for me to post
file_iterator first<char>( "somefile.txt")
file_iterator last<char> = first.make_end();
rule_t<> skp = space_p | comment_p("//") | comment_p("/*","*/");
parse_info< file_iterator<char> > = parse( first, last, *g, skp );
I keep getting these errors (from MinGW 3.4.2):
189 C:\Dev-Cpp\include\boost\spirit\core\non_terminal\impl\rule.ipp
no matching function for call to
`boost::spirit::impl::abstract_parser wrote:
Can anyone explain to me what is wrong with the following:
my_grammer g; // a grammar, the actual grammar I'm using is too long for me to post file_iterator first<char>( "somefile.txt") file_iterator last<char> = first.make_end(); rule_t<> skp = space_p | comment_p("//") | comment_p("/*","*/"); parse_info< file_iterator<char> > = parse( first, last, *g, skp );
Hi! See the FAQ "Scanner Business". Anyway, the proper forum for Spirit related questions is: Spirit-general mailing list Cheers, -- Joel de Guzman
participants (2)
Joel de Guzman